Sciatica Specialist

Pinnacle Health Chiropractic
Jason Ablett, DC
Chiropractor & Massage Therapist located in Kirkland, WA & Seattle, WA
Researchers estimate that as many as 40% of adults suffer from sciatica at some point in life. Though common, it should not become a normal type of pain for you — there is relief. Kirkland, Washington’s top sciatica pain expert, Jason Ablett, DC, has extensive training in diagnosing and treating sciatica pain. When you call the office of Pinnacle Health Chiropractic, or book your appointment online, you can get started on a sciatica relief plan right away.
Sciatica Q & A
What does sciatica feel like?
Sciatica is the term used to describe inflammation and pain caused by pressure on your sciatic nerve. As the largest nerve in your body, your sciatic nerve runs from your lower back, all the way down the back of your leg. When your sciatic nerve becomes inflamed or compressed, you may feel:
- Shooting, burning, or stabbing pains in your buttock
- Pain that runs down your leg
- Pain that extends down into your foot
- Pain that worsens when you stand up or walk
- Weakness or numbness in your legs
Sciatica can come and go, as well as vary in intensity. Each sciatica flare up might be slightly different, but in general, symptoms start in your lower back and run down your leg.
What causes sciatica?
When your sciatic nerve is compressed or pinched, it becomes inflamed, which causes the unbearable pain you feel. Sciatica has many causes, so you need updated X-rays and a thorough evaluation with Dr. Ablett. Common orthopedic causes of sciatica include:
- Herniated or bulged discs
- Obesity
- Arthritis
- Spinal stenosis
- Bone fractures
Although less common, sometimes sciatica stems from an undiagnosed medical issue. For example, in women of childbearing age, endometriosis can lead to compression on your sciatic nerve. When this happens, sciatica flares up right before you menstruate.
Other medical causes of sciatica include:
- Vascular issues
- Lymphomas
- Tumors
- Sarcomas
Since sciatica pain could be a red flag that you have an underlying medical issue, it is not something to ignore. Make an appointment for an evaluation right away.
How does a chiropractor treat sciatica?
Once Dr. Ablett finds the cause of your sciatica pain, he puts together a custom treatment plan. If you do have an underlying health concern, treating that issue may help resolve your sciatica pain entirely. Otherwise, you could need regular chiropractic sessions.
These appointments, which occur up to three times per week if needed, can include:
- Electrical stimulation therapy
- Fascia release treatments
- Manual chiropractic adjustments
- Ultrasound therapy
- Rehabilitative Exercise
Your sciatica treatment is tailored to your specific condition. Dr. Ablett monitors you closely throughout your treatment plan to help prevent sciatica flare-ups, while reducing their intensity.